If you’ve been impacted by the layoffs across the country, these series of D&D events are for you!


The mental impact of layoffs

There have been many articles written on the impacts layoffs have on mental health. During this tumultuous time of feeling unsure about the future, questioning your own skills, and trying to find what’s next - Tabletop Knights wants to step in and help support you. It’s our mission to help change people’s lives with Roleplaying games like D&D. Tabletop games have shown therapeutic and mental health benefits - sometimes even being used as therapy.

During the next few months, we will be holding a special continuous event: Adventurers, Help Wanted! These sessions will be a D&D game that will focus on positive mental health experiences, collaboration, supporting one another, and providing a networking opportunity for those looking for their next career move. Don’t worry if you’ve never played before, this is a great time to jump in!

Sign up below to be put on our scheduling list for our next Help Wanted session.
We will reach out with available game dates.